4 Thoughtful Quotes That Saved My Day
I had a bad day, I’m having bad days. My journal is supposed to be a place for self-realization but instead, nowadays I’m more like dumping my stress, depressions, or even anger there.
With all that, today was different, some “magic” happened.
I picked up a book in a bookstore. I opened it. There was just one single phrase on the first page, and it goes:
Always look at the bright side of life - Monty Python
I don’t know why it strikes me like thunder. I’m sure I’ll just skip it in any of my “ordinary” days but, it has the power to turn me to look at literally the bright side of things I’ve been going through. Indeed they are bright, but with a price. Don’t forget the vision, don’t forget the bright side that brings you here in the first place, that’s the message, don’t know how much I appreciate it and the book.
Then, a second one kicks in later. I heard it a while ago from an evangelist at a local church, I don’t believe in god but it still resonates with me.
All the things you’ve been going through, they’re all under god’s plan, you just haven’t understood the reason yet.
(Originally it was in Japanese: “今までの全てはきっと神様のご計画通りで、我々はただまだそれを理解していないだけ”
Let me show you the 3rd quote now, it’s very similar to the 2nd one:
Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.
Yes, they happen for me, it’s ultimately relying on how I interpret it, react to it, it’s up to me to find the reasons, the meanings behind it. Those are just events, they can be bright or dark, light or heavy, but it’s me who lead it from there, towards the goals I’m been dreaming about. I have the control, I have a choice, just like another great quote says:
Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.