June 28, 2016

Check Alert Message with Poltergeist or Capybara Webkit

Use accept_alert to get the alert message.

That means you can same syntax for Poltergeist or capybara-webkit.

expect(accept_alert).to eq("Javascript alert message")

# or with block syntax

# will fail if alert message doesn't match
accept_alert("Javascript alert message") do 
  # next expectation

The first one expect(accept_alert).to reads a bit weird, but that's the return value of accept_alert.

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Qihuan Piao

Qihuan Piao

(aka kinopyo) is Chinese based in Tokyo. Software writer. He shares stories inspired him in this blog. His infamous line - "I feel calm when I kill those monsters, or people (in game)" shocks his friends deeply.

He also writes in Japanese and Chinese.