July 27, 2016

Always There, Like A Mountain

Some people strike me as mountains - always there when you look upon, no matter how the environment changes.


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Some of them are my close friends. Whenever I visit their blogs I know there’s new content waiting for me. Or I log in to the game I’ve been AFK for such a long time, they’re there inviting me to the party.

Some of them are connected on the Internet, they don’t know me but I’ve been following them for years. Michael Hyatt’s “This Is Your Life” podcast is the central place for my mental nutrition and self-improvement, Miyagawa’s rebuild.fm for trending tech news and Japanese anime/books/culture, Sensus WoW Rogue whenever I want to catch up my World of Warcraft rogue skills, and Blizzard Entertainment for high quality games all these years.

I’m not here to promote any of those things, what I want to say is, it’s not hard to start anything nowadays, and if you get lucky you may even grab some spotlights on the stage, but it’s always hard to keep going, even for games!

In this fast-paced noisy world, those “mountains” give me a sense of order, calm me down when everything is in chaos. It shows me a way how to find a spiritual connection and emotional support, just like the same old friends. No matter if you’re a blogger, a YouTuber, a gamer, a writer, or any content provider, as long as you keep the persistency and frequency, you create reliability.

I don’t want to be a sky - too unstable and unpredictable, suddenly shout out with rain and thunderstorm. I want to be a humble stone, that shares certain similarities to a mountain. Nothing lasts forever - sun, stars, diamonds, but I hope the next time you pick up the stone of me, it’s still the same old stone, and gives you a sense of calm and safety.

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Qihuan Piao

Qihuan Piao

(aka kinopyo) is Chinese based in Tokyo. Software writer. He shares stories inspired him in this blog. His infamous line - "I feel calm when I kill those monsters, or people (in game)" shocks his friends deeply.

He also writes in Japanese and Chinese.