September 16, 2012

My One Year Anniversary at COOKPAD

My "Thank You" Mails

Yesterday was my one year anniversary at Cookpad, and I came up with an idea to send a couple of mails to my friends inside and outside the company, who have helped me to join it, just want to say thanks to them in person.

I wrote in the order of the people I've met. First starts with my headhunter who introduced cookpad to me, then my first and second interviewer, etc. I didn't write to everyone I've met in the company, that will be too overwhelming and lose the point.

It ended up with 13 mails, since yesterday was Saturday and I sent to our company email address, I didn't expect any replies until next business day. But surprisingly someone already replied and seems like they love this idea, and many positive feedbacks!

WOW your friends

Since one of my purpose is to WOW(a verb I learned from the book: Delivering Happiness) those my friends so to be honest, if everything works fine, and it should, I wouldn't be surprised by these positive feedbacks. But still, after reading their sweet words, it made me feel very very happy.I'm so glad that I made it. In my daily life I never feel lack of ideas to WOW someone but I never really execute in actions.

When I was reading the book, one story is about how Tony enjoyed organising a party and make a WOW experience to his friends. At that time I didn't quite understand why he thought that way, but now I think I get it. It's really a very amazing experience. It also reminded me that back in the days when I setup or prepared a surprise for my girlfriend, no need to go expensive or fancy, just something that a little bit weird and out of the box, then I will see the most beautiful smile in the world. This is a mindset and life style which I've decided to follow up. To make this world a better place, first step is to ensure you make your family and friends around you happier, right?

So this is my way to say thank you to my friends, some of the mails maybe even contain less than 10 phrases but it's important to do it, and say it loud.

Reconnecting, A Really Unrelated Story

Oh, one more thing need to be mentioned. Yesterday I also got a message from my Senpai(先輩, Japanese, like one's mentor) which I lost his contact 3 years ago. Every time when I reconnect with someone through Internet, I really appreciate what a good job it has done to make our life better. He was my first Senpai when I graduated and step into the whole adult society, even at that time he seemed really strict to me, it turns out it was worthwhile and I'd learned a lot from him. Not like how to write down each code, but in a much higher “Macro” point of view how to work, how to think. Sometimes I'm very surprised by this Japanese Senpai and kōhai connection. This is really a word you have to self experience in Japanese society.

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Qihuan Piao

Qihuan Piao

(aka kinopyo) is Chinese based in Tokyo. Software writer. He shares stories inspired him in this blog. His infamous line - "I feel calm when I kill those monsters, or people (in game)" shocks his friends deeply.

He also writes in Japanese and Chinese.