July 20, 2012 #zsh

oh-my-zsh is very handy and I've been using it for almost a year.

But I found the auto correct is kind of annoying and barely helped me. So I decided to turn if off!

Disable it globally

Add this unsetopt to your ~/.zshrc

source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh

unsetopt correct_all

Disable it per command base

Say if you just want to disable it for git command, you can setup an alias.

alias git=’nocorrect heroku’

I didn't test out this one :)


July 8, 2012 #zsh #octopress

Square brackets in zsh

Square brackets in zsh have special meanings but in MOST circumstances maybe you just have to escape them by putting \(backslash) before them.

Here is a example for generating a new octopress post

rake new_post["Escape square bracket by default in zsh"]
zsh: no matches found: new_post[Escape square bracket by default in zsh]

rake new_post\["Escape square bracket by default in zsh"\]
mkdir -p source/_posts
Creating new post: source/_posts/2012-07-08-escape-square-bracket-by-default-in-zsh.markdown

How to escape by default?

Just setup this alias in your .zshrc.

alias rake='noglob rake'